As iconic as the boombox and walkman were in the 80’s they were actually created earlier and weren’t an invention of the 1980s. The eighties was full of fun and was a time in everyone’s lives when life was simple.
The decade as it was, this was the decade full of icons, fads and advancing technology. Buckle up your fanny packs and your baggy pants as we take a look at the 10 best inventions of the 80’s.
10. Microsoft Windows (1985)
The MS-DOS operating system was launched for x86-based personal computers in 1981. Four years later the first ever version of Windows was released which gave a graphical user interface (GUI).
GUI has transformed how we navigate our electronic devices and resulted in Microsoft Windows becoming the dominant operating system for PCs and saw the company become the biggest in the world.
9. Nintendo Entertainment System (1983)
Before the 90’s had the Nintendo 64, the 80’s had its own Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Released in Japan during the video game crash of 1983 it was launched in North America in 1985 and revived the long-term viability of gaming.
We never knew at the time just how blocky the graphics were and how few buttons controllers had, but it was games like The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania and Super Mario Bros that kept young kids from losing their virginity early.
8. Game Boy (1989)
On the back of the Nintendo Entertainment System the Game Boy was released in 1989 and took Super Mario to a new world with its portability that gave around 30 hours of battery time and transformed the car ride during family vacations.
The Game Boy is one of the best inventions of the 80’s and became a child’s favorite accessory in the 90’s. Playing launch titles Super Mario Land, Tetris, Tennis and Baseball on a monochrome screen doesn’t sound like fun, but back in the eighties it was one of the greatest pastimes.
7. Camcorder (1983)
The Camcorder came out in 1983 and suddenly home videos became a big part of our lives in the 80’s. Sony released the Betacam system for professional use but it was the Betamovie BMC-100P which became the first release for the amateur director.
Every family suddenly had their own sitcom show although it was nowhere near as convenient to record and watch as it is nowadays with Camcorder technology capturing film on recorded cassette tapes.
6. The CD Player (1982)
In 1982 Sony released the CDP-101, the first commercial CD player which used the tray style. Since then, tray loaded players became the standard and was used on everything from computers to game consoles.
Now just a relic back in time, the CD player helped kick off the digital music revolution and every kid wanted one in their bedroom so that they could pump Madonna, Prince or Michael Jackson.
5. Commodore 64 (1982)
By the 80s computers had shrunk from the size of small buildings to the Commodore 64. Introduced in 1982 it’s the highest ever selling computer model and brought color, exceptional audio and endless add-ons to the personal computer.
The Commodore 64 wasn’t cheap, but it was priced at around $600 US to be reasonably within reach for many. It could be plugged into a TV set and was used mostly for gaming by many, as the floppy disk was too slow for business use.
4. Discman (1984)
Carrying around a disc with about 8 to 10 tracks and listening to it on a portable device with cabled earphones sounds like we’re back in ancient times. Back in the 80’s though, this was pioneering breakthrough technology which opened up a new realm for everybody making it one of the best inventions of the 80’s.
Sony launched the first portable CD player in the Discman in 1984 and it quickly became a cultural icon both in the eighties and nineties. No more rewinding tapes on the fly with the Discman unlocking the ability to play and pause songs with a single button.
3. Compact Disc (1982)
After years of development the Compact Disc was released in Japan in 1982, and a year later in the United States. The vinyl record was overtaken by the cassette in 1985, and CD’s in 1992, with CD’s completely taking over the market into the ninties.
No longer did we have to untangle clunky cassette tapes. We now had shiny circles of joy. Although only designed to supersede vinyl records and cassettes, the CD’s ability to store data became widely recognised and writable discs launched in 1988.
2. IBM Personal Computer (1981)
The IBM Personal Computer launched in 1981 and transformed the ability for every home to have their own computer. Suddenly, accessibility to a computer was possible for both business and personal use.
Able to process text, play games, manage spreadsheets on and store data via floppy disk drives, the IBM Personal Computer was partly responsible for one of the best inventions of the 80’s with the introduction of the WorldWideWeb.
1. The Cellular Phone (1983)
Announced in the 70’s the DynaTAC 8000x was finally released in 1983 and became the first handheld cell phone able to be bought commercially. Weighing in at 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg) it was more suitable as a dumbbell at the gym.
The DynaTACX 8000x’s short 30-minute battery life made it as useful as a rotary dial telephone but its ability to walk and talk paved the way for smartphones as we know them today and tops our list of best inventions of the 80’s.