10 Most Expensive Games All Time: #1 Will Shock You
In a world of big-budget game development Grand Theft Auto VI is rumored to cost $2 billion to produce which has us wondering, what are the most expensive games of… Keep reading…
Top 10 Healthiest Midnight Snacks: Making Hell-thy, Yum
So you’re up late and starving, and you’re thinking what are the healthiest midnight snacks that you could eat. You’re staring into the fridge late at night contemplating leftover pizza.… Keep reading…
Top 10 Best NFL Rivalries of All Time: Bounty Bowl and Body Bag Games?
What are the biggest NFL rivalries of all time? With names like the Bounty Bowl and Body Bag games, these games are played like they’re a matter of life or… Keep reading…
Top 10 Best Inventions of the 60s: The Decade of the Hippie
What are the best inventions of the 1960s? This was one heck of an era with Civil Rights, the moon landing and the Cold War boiling over. The Sixties was… Keep reading…
10 Most Popular NFL Teams: Are There Really Two “America’s Teams”?
There’s 32 teams in the NFL hailing from 23 different states around the U.S and we’re here to figure out which teams are the most popular. We live in a… Keep reading…
Top 10 Biggest Hooligan Clubs in England: Who’s the Most Notorious?
The thuggery and violence of hooliganism in English football is still very much alive with violent crime increasing 17% on match days. Wired fences and weekly skirmishes are a thing… Keep reading…
Top 10 Reasons Not to Buy an EV: What Are the Biggest Risks?
We wrote a list of the reasons to buy an EV here. For the pessimistic, what about the reasons to avoid buying one? Electric cars are still in their infancy… Keep reading…
Top 10 Reasons to Buy an EV: Stop Being Brainwashed
The number of EV’s (Electric Vehicles) on our road is increasing, as well as the fear mongering by people who’ve never driven one. For those that see through the brainwashing… Keep reading…
10 Best MLB Stadiums: Old Warehouses and a Green Monster?
We all know that baseball games serve up overpriced hot dogs and mediocre American beer, but what are the best MLB stadiums? For those who can be bothered to get… Keep reading…